Top Seven Tips For Balancing Work And Family
Mama, are you feeling like you are stuck in a rut being a working stay at home mom, feeling overwhelmed with work while trying to be present as a mom, this one is for you. Check out my top seven tips for balancing work and family.
This week has been a week. A week of things not going as planned, things not working out and feeling like I am falling behind. You know what, I am learning to just “let go”, and roll with the punches.
This is something that is really hard for me to do, “let go”. I strive on a “plan”, a day to day plan, but being a mom, that plan… doesn’t always go as planned. And adding working at home to it all… ha, it’s chaos trying to find a balance.
It’d be great if every day were unicorns, rainbows and glitter, but that’s not reality. Mama, if you are reading this, I see you. I am with you, and we are all travelling on similar paths but all each experiencing a little more bumps than others. Heck, maybe even more smoothness.
Being the BIG planner that I am comes with challenges. I am that person who is planning a vacation, and pretty much gets overwhelmed with anxiety if we don’t have a day to day plan. Why? Because I feel like we’d spend all of our vacation “wondering what to do”, wasting time. And well for me mama, I strive on having a plan every day.
However, in saying that since becoming a mom, and still working, I am learning to let some of that go. I am learning that despite having a plan, it’s ok if we don’t follow it to a “T”.
Some days naps don’t go as planned so that often means I am left doing all my work in the evening which is not want I want to do but I have to do.
This is where you need to discipline yourself and get your prioritized tasks done first, which I chat more about below.
Over this past week, I’ve hopped on mentorship calls from my phone with Everly in my lap, because these calls are important for my business, and given the time zones where they’re happening it’s just how it goes some days. To be truthful I felt like a horrible mom, but she LOVED seeing herself on screen.
Evenings are when I like to sit back with a glass of wine or LaCroix {if you are new here, head here to read more about me} and have some me-time. So days where things don’t go as planned I focus on doing the “must-do task” I need to do and leave the extras for another day. I typically set a timer for these things so I can still get some time for “free” time before winding down for the night.
You are probably thinking about the laundry, dishes, etc. Those things can wait I cannot stress it enough. Leave the laundry for later, turn on your PVR’d show, or a good podcast and fold.
As for the dishes, do the same or similar thing. As I am still here writing this my dishwasher needs to be unpacked, and there is a pile of dirty dishes waiting to be put in… but, I have scheduled this time today to write, so here I am. That chore will get done when it gets done.
- Prioritize Your Task: Sit down write a list for the next day or week ahead. Yes, write a list on your phone {I find that the most convenient}, or on a piece of paper. If you work from home, prioritize things that MUST get done at the top, and work your way down to bonus things to do, etc. If you got the time. If you need guidance on what’s a priority ask your boss. If you are the boss then GET busy mama, you know what’s important. A bonus to doing a task such as this is that you can do it while you are running yourself a hot bath to end off the day. Because mama, you got time for that.
- Give Yourself A Break If Things Don’t Go As Planned: Have you ever been deep into a moment of work, feeling so good about finishing off what you need to do and VERY focused and then boom, your baby wakes from their nap. And you think, “Dang babe I was on a roll”. Well, guess what… it’s going to happen. So, when this does happen, give yourself a break and don’t dwell, enjoy some mommy and babe time. You can pick right back up where you left off, trust me.
- Catch A Break: Being a working mom at home doesn’t mean we don’t take breaks. Maybe you are lucky enough to be your own boss and make all the rules. Maybe you aren’t. If you aren’t I am telling you now… Take a break. If you are feeling overwhelmed, stop, make a coffee or tea and breathe. If the kids are screaming in the background, give them an activity that will keep them quiet for 10-15 minutes to allow you to just “catch a break”. You need it, mama.
- Pick One Thing To Do For Yourself Each Week: Maybe it’s to go get your hair done, go shopping alone or get your nails done. ADD this time into your mommy calendar and make it happen. I’m sure Dad can take over for a few hours or a family member or friend can help you. This is important for your sanity.
- Exercise: There is something about exercise that clears my mind, sets my day up with good intentions, and makes me feel SO good. I’m not saying you need to work out for 45-60 minutes every day. Try 20-45 minutes exercise 4-5 days a week to get started. Don’t overwhelm yourself and don’t overdo it. Exercise can range from yoga, strength training, sports activities, outdoor activities with the kids {play with them}, running or walking, etc. You catch my drift get active and stay active. If you are looking for some home workouts and online support, fill out this form here and I’ll get back to you.
- Make The Time Present With Your Family Count: Throw your phone in the drawer, turn it off, etc. If it is that big of a distraction put it out of arms reach. Enjoy time with your family being present. The word present is my word for 2020, check out my post here.
- Bring Your Kids To Work: Set up a little office station for them, they love being like mom. I remember growing up always dressing up in my mom’s uniform, to be like “mom”. Some ideas for them to do are crafts, colouring, sketching, etc. while you get your work done.
My point to all this is, if you are a working mom from home, it is sometimes hard to balance it all. Our kids need us, and of course their number one. But, you need to know that there is a way to find a balance. A way to not feel overwhelmed with it all and soak up all the moments.
Times are currently really hard right now for so many of us, know you are not alone. Know you are doing the best that you can do. Know that you are enough and know that everything you are doing is appreciated.
Working mama, this is for you! You got this, don’t be ashamed because of your choice to work. Don’t feel guilty because you HAVE to get WORK done or HAVE TO WORK. Know that having flexibility in your schedule IS FINE, and I encourage you to do just that.
Being a working mom keeps me sane, allows me to share my passion and sets me FREE.
Be free, mama <3